Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Short Story Continues

I want to post now before it gets much later, lest you think I've forgotten. I haven't actually done my writing for today, but I know that I'm going to work on my short story some more, so I won't share anyway. And no, I'm not going to cheat by saying that since I wrote something extra yesterday that means I don't have to write today. The idea was to write EVERY day. However, I tend to be a bit of a night owl, and since I worked all day again, my time to write is limited to the evening.
Further, I'm sorry this short story is taking so long, but it didn't occur to me that the hardest part about writing every day would simply be finding the time. I don't work that much, and I really don't do anything outside of work, so I should be virtually made of time. And yet...
I would say that I could cut back on reading books, watching shows, taking walks through the park, and browsing the internet, but all of those things are what feed my imagination. Rather than wasting time that could be spent writing, those things are what give me the drive to write what I write in the first place. So the long and short of it is, I'll finish this story when I finish it, and not a moment sooner. I haven't decided yet if you'll get to see it before it's finished. It will depend on how excited I am about it, and whether I can't wait to share that excitement.
OK, enough rambling, this was supposed to be a quick update.
Good night, and I'll see you tomorrow,


Jenna said...

i like that you're writing everyday and I like that I'm commenting on what you write everyday.

Mom said...

you guys are funny!