Monday, May 9, 2011

Crisis Averted

I've already worked on the ss for today, but didn't quite get in my 600 words, so I'll do the rest here. The day after I posted that I wouldn't be posting everyday was the first time I felt I really couldn't write anymore of my ss. I ended up writing a stream-of-consciousness nonsense which I will not share because it was a lot of whining and panicking about why I couldn't write. I almost wondered if it had something to do with my not posting, but I think I just needed another day to think about where this story was going.

Sure enough, the very next day I continued on as if nothing was wrong. Crisis averted. By my estimation, however, I am almost halfway through this story, which is usually about the time I start to lose interest. This is why forcing myself to work on it is really good. Because even if the ending I write is crap, at least I will have finished it. That's the thing, I tend to like the beginnings because I write them so often I'm better at them. But since I never write endings I have no practical experience with them.

Anyway, I just wanted to update you on my progress and assure you that I am not cheating. In fact, once I get going, I usually write at least double my word quota which is why I'm already up to 13 pages. (Today being the one notable exception.)

It's funny...I can remember being in elementary school doing a writing exercise. I think I started writing a story about some orphaned kittens and ran out of time before I could finish it. I remember my teacher writing on it that the ending needed work, and I thought how unfair because I hadn't had time to finish it so there was no ending. I never went back and finished it. Now, I'm not saying that all my problems stem from this one incident, I'm just pointing out that this has been a lifelong struggle for me. I wonder if I still have that workbook somewhere? I feel like I saw it somewhat recently.

Oh well, time to get ready for work.

1 comment:

Jenna said...

hm, crazy you remember that from elementary school.