Saturday, April 30, 2011

Bad Haiku

I’ve been dreading this: having to write on a Saturday. Saturdays are my longest work days, and after spending 8 hours dealing with people at the store, I want nothing more than to sit around and veg out. The absolute last thing I want to do is think coherently.

And, here’s the thing, as I said before, I have already written something yesterday to post today. So why am I taking the time to write this, especially when I’d really rather not? Well, it’s starting to feel weird posting things a day after the fact. Once it’s no longer current, who cares? Besides, I worked on my short story yesterday and wasn’t going to post anything anyway, except to tell you that I worked on my short story. Maybe I’ll compromise and let myself off the 600 word hook tonight. Maybe on Saturdays, I only have to post 300 words. There I go, making excuses again. But hey, I’ve been really good, haven’t I? And I’m only asking for a small break one day a week.

I like my short story. It’s coming together entirely different than I anticipated. Stories have a tendency to do that to me. I think I know what’s happening and where things are going, and then it all takes a sudden right hand turn and I’m left grabbing the wheel trying desperately to compensate.

And now, a haiku:


Science in action

Missing eyebrow

Don’t look at me like that, you’re the one who said I should write. I blame this entirely on you. I never said I could write well, I just said I liked to do it.

Youtube videos

Asking about episodes

Never praising me

Now that was a technically correct haiku because it was 5-7-5. But seriously, that’s all people want to know about my videos. “What episode is this clip from?” This is especially true if I have already answered their question in the comments. And it seems to become more true the more I have repeated that answer. Why can’t they take five seconds to read the other comments and see if maybe I already answered their question? WHY??

OK, clearly my brain is fried. I’m going to quit while I’m ahead, and hope that tomorrow I will be able to make words into sentences again. And, you know, have them make sense.

Good night.


F. Radcliffe said...

ppls on teh internets is dum

captcha axs me to spel "NUTCLUM", no srsly

Jenna said...

have you made any recent videos?