Friday, May 6, 2011

I'm Using My Thinkin' Brain!

It seems silly to write about the fact that I'm writing, and then not post what I'm writing. "What, spy on our own spy while he searches for their spy? Why not, sounds fun!" That's from Blackadder for those of you in the back.

Anyway, I'm posting this to say that while work on this short story is progressing nicely (I wrote more than double my word quota yesterday) I'm starting to realize that it will still be a long time before it's finished. So, unless I get some vehement objections, I am not going to post every day just to tell you that I've been working on something. That doesn't mean I won't occasionally use my writing time for blogging about the events of my life. At first, I felt I needed to post every day in order to be accountable to someone other than myself. But it actually feels (knock on wood) like the writing is getting easier. I don't know that I'm getting any better at it, but I can make myself sit down and let the words pour out of my fingers with relative ease. If I start to feel like cheating, I'll go back to posting every day so you lot can keep an eye on me.

So if you don't hear from me tomorrow, just know that my typin' fingers are busy elsewhere.


Mom said...

Ok, I'm giving you an itty bitty bit of slack, but I've got my eye on you, little missy!

Jenna said...

hm...I agree with your mom. I do like your daily updates. Maybe you should keep posting until you've one it 65 times or so. Wasn't that the magic number you quoted into turning something into a habit?

F. Radcliffe said...

Your Thinkin' Brain? Do you keep that in your Food Kitchen?