Monday, May 2, 2011

Proof of Life

Another long day... 8 hours of work followed by choir rehearsal until 10pm. I'm ready to collapse, but I will try to write first. Just wanted to get this in before midnight, even though I don't really count the day over until I've gone to sleep. And since I don't work tomorrow, that means I still have plenty of good writing hours ahead of me tonight.

I will give you a snippet of the short story, which made me giggle, just to prove that it is not some mythical beast, but a real (if anything made up of ones and zeros in a computer might be called 'real') story.

Her mother and sister (who was a full eight years younger than she, and much like their father had been, which is to say, rather more romantic than was good for her) only saw Laknir Lodge once after she moved in. She took great care in cooking a large meal for the three of them (proving to herself, as much as her mother, that she was capable), and dragged the table outside so they could enjoy the forest in all its beauty. Her mother commented on the repairs she had done so beautifully and efficiently, and remarked that the house was both comfortable and well-cared for. Her sister complained endlessly about the journey, and that she’d developed a sore from sitting in front of mother on the saddle for over an hour. But she also noted that Flora was a most excellent cow, and spent most of the afternoon petting her and telling her what a good cow she was and a pretty cow, and how she must look after her sister who was a bit of a dope sometimes.

That's all for now, see you tomorrow.


Unknown said...
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F. Radcliffe said...

That wasn't Becky, that was me. And I wrote thusly:

I like, I like. Do continue.

By the by, if you're in need of inspiration you could do worse than watch the BBC miniseries adaptation of The Forsyte Saga. Those people are wicked repressed, and therefore bitingly hilarious.