Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Oh sweet Internet. How I've missed you.

I finally have Internet in my new apartment. Yay! Do the dance of joy!

Of course, this means I have no excuse for not blogging. Or e-mailing. Or looking at Facebook. Hmmm, maybe I should rethink this...

At the very least, I shouldn't be announcing that I'm online again.

Truth be told, I was able to steal a signal from one or several of my neighbors, so I haven't really been as cut off as I pretend. But I tried not to stay online too long that way, because I felt bad for hacking someone else's signal. But now I'm paying for it, so I can stay connected 24 hours a day. Again, perhaps I have made a fatal error...

They actually had to send someone out here to get my internet up and running. His name was Curtis and he was very nice. First he came up to my apartment to see what was what, then he went outside to trace the wire from my phone jack. Like a little detective, he was. He was gone for a long while, and as I sat waiting, I hoped that this meant it was something he could fix, and was doing so. It was. He told me that it had been so long since someone had used a DSL line in this place, that another technician had pilfered my line for another customer.

"It's more common than you might think," he said, and I had this image of a technician walking past my line nonchalantly, a whistle on his lips as he yanked out the cord and strolled over to wherever he needed it.

Regardless, it's working now. And I couldn't be more thrilled!

Farewell for now, dear readers. Next up will be pictures from my trip to New Orleans!



mom said...


F. Radcliffe said...

Thank you for being my Netflix friend.