Thursday, June 18, 2009

3 Double Buffaloes

I have been packing and cleaning a bit of my room each night for the past few nights. I can't really give you a specific part of my room because I sort of drift from one area to the next, assuming it will all eventually land in some box or suitcase or something. Forget trying to organize it. It's not like packing up a house where you write "kitchen" or "master bedroom" on the side with a sharpie. All my boxes just say "room" on the side.

Anyway, I was going through some notebooks I found on a shelf, trying to decide if they really needed to be kept or not, and I found a page where I had written down the steps of a tap dance I learned at AMDA. I wish I could scan it and put the actual page up so you could see it, but you'll have to take my word for it that the writing is sloppy and frantic.

Here's what it says:

4 single
4 double
4 triple
4 double-triples
4 double hops - 2 triples between

Repeat with pick-up/standard

triple pick up
brush hop
3 double buffaloes
flap shuffle step flap shuffle step flap flap shuffle step flap step stomp

And directly below this I wrote:

DEATH though that were the final step of the dance.

I laughed so hard when I read this, I nearly peed myself.



mom said...

I cracked up at "All my boxes just say 'room' on the side"

F. Radcliffe said...

I remember those hilarious e-mails you used to send from AMDA, particularly the one where your instructors conspired to bend, fold, spindle, and mutilate you and then commanded, "Now, BREATHE!"

ksteve said...

Hey, long time no talk! How is life? Where are you moving to?

Jenna said...

hehe, nice- happy moving!