Thursday, June 4, 2009

Four Beheadings and a Date With Duncan

Perhaps you have found evidence that I am watching Highlander right now. And, being the fine detectives I know all of you are, you have likely concluded that it is my current obsession or "project" as James and Kathleen would put it.

There's this thing called Hulu, you understand, and it has all sorts of neat things from my youth designed to take up hours of my time. For example, I started by watching Doogie Howser, M.D.
Awww, Neil Patrick Harris is just too adorable!

Then it was Arrested Development, of which I had only ever seen the first season.

And then I stumbled across Highlander.

This was a show that I only ever watched occasionally while it was on the air, but hoped to one day see it in it's entirety from the beginning. At last, my dreams have come true, and they have brought Duncan MacLeod with them.

It's worth it for the outfits alone; I mean, how many times can you see a guy in an oversize button-down shirt tucked into high-waist jeans and an occasional vest before you start to seriously miss the 90's?

Not only that, but Highlander has taught me a very valuable lesson: behead first, brood later.

It is a lesson that, unfortunately, Duncan MacLeod of the clan MacLeod never seems to get right, no matter how many times I try to teach it to him.

It is also a lesson I would like to utilize in the store. There have been a number of times when I have thought to myself, "Self, that rude customer would be a much nicer person without her/his head. For one thing, it would successfully detach their mouths from their lungs, for we all know one cannot speak without air."

Sadly, when I ran this suggestion by my bosses they were less than thrilled.

"But Julia," they said, "we don't have anything sharp enough to cut through bone."

Which begs the obvious question: How long does Duncan spend sharpening his sword? Or are Immortal necks made of butter?

And thus concludes the post that I began writing many moons ago when I was watching Highlander obsessively. The obsession has died down, now, mostly because the show stopped utilizing Richie, my favorite character. Apparently they eventually just kill him off, but I didn't get that far.

Onward to the next obsession: Star Trek.

I just saw the movie this past Monday. What is wrong with me that I waited so long?

I have never been a Trekkie, somehow I missed that whole section of Geekdom. I remember watching an episode in my science fiction class in high school and thinking this could be dangerous for me as I imagined all the hours I could spend (not to mention the money) on catching up.

So far, I just want to see the movie again. But I haven't completely ruled out the possibility of watching a few episodes of the original series.

Interweb, here I come!


mom said...

I, too, have often wondered how many hours a day Duncan spends "sharpening his sword"??

F. Radcliffe said...

Actual line: "Get out of the chair."
Subtext: "You are a silly little cadet and I could crush your career with one tilt of an eyebrow."

Funny how the text IS the subtext of all of Kirk's lines, and the subtext to all of McCoy's lines is either, "Bah, humbug!" or "Ooh, look at mister fancy ears with his fancy logic. HATE."