Thursday, October 25, 2007

Date Update

It was a very nice date.

And the rest is private, so butt out.

Just kidding!

We went to a diner where all the AMDA kids (including me when I still attended AMDA) hang out. We talked a lot and were both kind of hyper, or, at least, I know I was. Then we walked through Central Park until we got lost, which is always fun 'cause you never know where you'll end up! We found the carousel and took a ride. Chris named his horse Boris, and I named mine Helga. If you've ever ridden a carousel with me, you know that it is imperative that we name our noble steeds.

After that, we found a huge rock formation which overlooked the ice skating rink, so we sat and watched people skate (and occasionally fall) and talked some more. Then we took a taxi (he paid for everything, by the way; what a gentleman!) to South Street Seaport where he had rehearsal in a few hours. We walked on the dock and looked at the bridges and the water and it was all very beautiful. Then, he told me how to get back to Brooklyn and we parted ways.

It was very comfortable. Nary an awkward silence to be found. Although, there was a tense moment when he mentioned that his longest relationship lasted 9 months and a little siren went off in my head and I saw the bars slam home in front of my eyes and thought "Oh God! I'm trapped!



But then I calmed down and said in a reasonably steady voice "But we're just dating, right?"

Anyway, for now my phobia is being kept at bay enough that I agreed to another date. I just have to remember it's a date, not a marriage proposal.

Speaking of marriage, his last name is pronounced Ghoul-y, to rhyme with Julie. So if we did get married my name would be Julia Ghoul-y. That's right everyone, let out the big ol' yucks for that knee-slapper. Of course, there's no law that says I have to take his name. Walls...closing in.....shackle leg.... Breathe, Julia, just breathe.

And now to answer some questions:

1. No, I have not seen Across the Universe, but it is on my list of movies to see in the near future. And, by the way, aren't you coming to NYC soon, Ashley?

2. Of course I watch Heroes! What kind of comic book nerd do you think I am?! And can we talk about Parkman's father? What is up with that?! I love that they put the episodes online so that I can watch them! And those of you who don't know what Jenna and I are talking about, I suggest you get online and start watching, 'cause it is truly a great show.

Finally, I will tell you what I did tonight, only because it involved something other than sitting in my room reading and/or watching something.

I went to a book reading/signing at my local B&N. It was for the book Identical Strangers about two twins separated at birth and how they found each other just 3 years ago. It's a true story and they co-wrote the book since both of them are writers (weird huh?). One of the twins has shopped at the store where I work for several years, and sent her newfound sister there, as well, when they realized they needed outfits for giving interviews and stuff while on their book tour. We promoted the reading at the store and all decided to go and show our support. It was very interesting, and I'm excited to start reading the book. I even got it signed!

Anyway, should be a good read, so all of you should pick it up and support them, 'cause the more money they get, the more they can spend at my store! Right? There was logic in there somewhere...



Anonymous said...

Nice update! I like the sounds of that book. Is there a movie idea in there somewhere? Do you look like the twins? Could you play both parts? Just a thought...

Jenna said...

Hehe, I like the way your mom thinks! I'm glad the date went well, he sounds very nice! It sounded like a lot of fun, can't wait to hear about #2.
I want to see Across the Universe! My roommates a few months ago were like- "we saw this movie preview for a weird movie, we think you'd like it" and then I saw the trailer and I was like "JULIE TAYMOR?!? I HAVE TO SEE THIS MOVIE" Unfortunately, I'm in Korea and can't see it... oh well.
I am also thankful that Heroes is online- sometimes it takes me awhile to find a fast version for my computer here. doesn't work outside of the states...thankfully there are people who post it on other sites...I finally finished the first season today and then watched episode 5 of the second season- it's sooo good! I still haven't read Marvel's Civil War- but the first season of Heroes reminded me sooo much of the story it wasn't even funny.
Hm...this is like the longest comment ever...oh well!
Miss you lots! Happy to hear that you're doing well!

A said...

Okay well I'm also glad you had fun on the date. I love how adults have to call them "dates" when kids (like me, and like you used to be) have to call it "hanging out." Hahaha.

Next, you must tell me what you think of Across the Universe. Maybe see it with Chris? Hmmm?

Annnnnd... I have decided to pool my money and move out there in January instead of visiting/interviewing first. Will you still be my New York friend in January?


Jenna said...

P.S. I was at Costco with friends last night and she was telling me about the women who wrote the book who shop at your store. There is a story that NPR did on them. It really is an interesting story. It wasn't just the fact that they were separated at birth, but that it was intentional as some part of study on identical twins.

JuliaSP said...

Yeah, they talked about the 'experiment' at the reading. It was supposed to be a study on nature vs. nurture, and they weren't the only twins to be separated. They even separated triplets! And they didn't tell the adopting parents anything about it. Doesn't seem very ethical to me...

Anonymous said...

Glad the date went well, can't wait to hear the exciting news on date #2! Hope the big "C" word doesn't come out.... Run, Julia, Run!!!

And OF COURSE I watch the show Heroes!!! It's the best... who doesn't???

Will get a copy of the book, if only to support your store. =) It does sound interesting.