Friday, October 5, 2007

The Audition #2

OK, OK, I can hear you screaming from here: "WHAT HAPPENED WITH THE AUDITION?"
Calm down everyone, I'm going to tell you right now...

I went to the audition.

All right, all right, I'll give you the details, sheesh.

Let's start at Wednesday night:
My friend, Vanessa, turned 21 and I went to her party at Sambuca in Manhattan. I saw some old friends, got a guy's phone number (and, no, I'm not going to call him because I found out that he has a girlfriend. Why was he flirting with me? Who knows...), and generally had a good time. Becca (my roommate) and I got home at around midnight, and we both went immediately to bed with the promise that we would leave at 7AM the next morning.

Into bed I got, with good intentions of going straight to sleep. Of course, that's when the song I was planning on singing for the audition started looping continuously through my head. I didn't get to sleep until after 2AM.

5:30 AM: My alarm goes off. Surprisingly, I didn't feel very tired. I got up, dressed, curled my hair, got all pretty, and headed out the door with Becca.

8:00 AM: We arrive and sign-up. There are already 150 girls signed-up ahead of us.

10:00 AM: The audition is supposed to begin, and we learn that there are now over 300 hopeful girls there. On the plus side, my friend Mary Katherine, who I haven't seen in AGES, was there, and we got to catch up. Anyway, we find out that they are going to "type". Let me explain, for those of you who don't know. "Typing" is like auditioning to audition. They line you up in groups of 10-20, then look at you and your headshots and decide whether or not you look like you could play whatever part they're casting. If you get kept, you have the opportunity to audition, if not, you go home. It must be how horses feel at auction. Neither Becca nor I were kept. In fact, virtually everyone who was kept was shorter than both of us. Apparently, short was the name of the game.

11:00 AM: I'm back home, ready for a nap before work.

So, there you have it. Still, it accomplished more than you might think. For one thing, I learned that it is possible to go to an audition in the morning and still make it to work in the afternoon, which opens up many possibilities. Also, seeing Mary Katherine did a lot for my morale. Finally, just getting out there again put me back on the right track. Becca and I have already gone through the casting lists together and planned out the next week. We're going to auditions on both Monday and Wednesday, and a few more that are further down the road.

Satisfied? I hope so, cause that's all there is for now.


PS-I know I haven't written the 9/11 story yet, but I promise I'll get to it eventually. And, of course, I'll keep you up to date with all auditions. Oh, and I'll somehow find time to finish my story. Really. I will.


Anonymous said...

Good grief! Who would ever think that you could be too TALL for a part???? That's actually kind of cool, except for the whole "not getting the part" thing. I think you are growing with each audition though, and that's great!

A said...

Congrats on the effort and keep truckin'! I know you are gonna make it big, Jules!

Anonymous said...

Well Julia, you have learned that tall people struggle in life too... but I am really glad to hear that you feel that you are back on track and are ambitious about scheduling more auditions. Life is tough and you chose one of the hardest professions to break into. It takes a lot of drive and perseverance, but we all know that you have it in you to succeed. Best of luck on the next two!

Jenna said...

Hiya Jules! Thanks for the post! Good luck with the next auditions!