Monday, September 10, 2007


It has been brought to my attention (by my Mother, who called me last night) that it has been too long since I updated this blog. She's probably right (she always is) so here I am, updating.

Let's see, what has happened to me recently....well, I worked every day last week. All day. EVERY day. No, wait, that's a lie, I didn't work on Monday. Still. The owners of the boutique are in France (soooooo jealous!) so I'm running the store. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! AT LAST! POWER!!!


Excuse me, lost my head for a moment. I'm sure that if they knew I was an evil genius, they never would have put me in charge. Oh well.

In addition to all this controlling and shouting, I have now, for the past three mornings in a row (including today), awakened at 7 to go for a run.

"WHAT???" I hear all of you asking. Or, as my mom put it: "On purpose?" No, Mom, I was not being chased by an angry mob, nor did I fall out of bed into my sneakers and just figured I'd keep going. I set my alarm, made the decision not to smash my alarm to pieces when it went off, got up, and went for a run. Did I mention this all happened at 7AM? Yeah.

The first time it happened, I wasn't very surprised. I can usually make myself do this sort of thing once. Getting myself to do it more than once, however.... So you can imagine my surprise yesterday and this morning when I found myself repeating the process. It's odd because my brain was saying "NO" while my body was going through the motions. It went something like this:

Alarm goes off. No, I'd rather not, thank you. Hey! What...what? What am I doing out of bed? Get back!!! Quick before you're really awake! ............. OK, fine. I'll just go upstairs, make some coffee and then come back down, get under the covers with a good book and read. No need to do anything rash......what are you doing with those running shoes? Noooo, put them baaaack...this can't be good. At which point, I stuff my iPod headphones in my ears, and turn on my Running playlist (which is full of very loud, very happy/angry songs) at a decibel which drowns out the rest of my brain's protestations. Then I run.

According to Mapquest, the round trip distance is 2.8miles. Wow. That seems like a lot. Keep in mind, I don't run the entire distance. I alternate running with walking. Basically, I run until I think my lungs are going to burst, then I walk until I can breathe fairly normally again, and then I run some more. The whole thing takes about 45 mins.

Usually, sometime on the way back from the park (I run a very small distance through a park, but mostly just run through the neighborhood) I start to wish I was dead, and the music becomes a little more distant, and my brain gets a little louder. It's at this time that I have to pretend I'm someone else, doing this for some noble reason or something. It's the only way I can fool my brain into thinking this is a good idea. This morning I imagined I was a hero in training. Yesterday, I held an interview with Ellen Degeneres concerning my exercise habits.
You see, I'm really bad at JUST doing physical activity. My brain HAS to do something, or I'll go insane. So, I keep myself entertained.

Anyway, back to the subject of updating. The problem is that I AM writing, I'm just writing stuff that probably wouldn't be of any interest to any of you. But, if you really want me to post it here, I will. Let's do a poll! The old one is really old, and it's time to change it. (Though I am happy to see that so many of you like toast, cause I sure do, too!)

Now, go forth and think and then vote. (If more people would do that thinking thing first when it comes to other voting situations, the world would be a better place!)



ksteve said...

I wish I could make myself run. Right now I'm just hoping all the walking I do too and from the trains will be enough exercise to keep my metabolism up.

ksteve said...

Wow...umm, how about "to and from"...and then I'll shoot myself for typing too fast and using an incorrect form of the word to.

Anonymous said...

Always glad to see my name in print....

Love you!

Jenna said...

Jules! You should post everything and anything you are writing. I was going to post something today on the earlier blog about how you needed to update. Great minds think alike! Your running vignette reminded me of when we used to run in high school. :) Good times. Tonight I ran on a treadmill- woot. Miss you lots! BTW- how are auditions coming?!