Friday, August 31, 2007

A Day in the Life...

It occurs to me that it must be fairly easy to guess what I'm watching and/or reading from day to day, simply by looking at my Quote of the Day (which is not really accurate because I don't change it every day, so sometimes a particular quote is the Quote of Many Days). For instance, I just put up a quote from Lois and Clark because I've been watching a lot of it lately. (I've run out of Batman, you see, and Superman is the next best thing!) I also recently had a quote from Louise Brooks, a silent film actress, whom I looked up on the imdb (I love that site!) because I came across her name in American Gods, which is the book I'm reading right now. Was that a run-on sentence? Anyway, American Gods is by Neil Gaiman, a genius/mentally unstable author (why is it that those two things always go hand in hand?) and I recommend his work to everyone. This particular novel was recommended to me by my sister, and I'm glad I finally picked it up! (See Liz, I do take your suggestions, it just takes me a while...I'll talk to you about Watership Down in 5-7 years.)

Anyway, I'm sure none of this is really interesting, but I did promise to keep people up to date with my life, and, let's face it, it's really not that exciting. Let's go through my typical day.

9:00AM - Alarm goes off.
9:38AM - I finally roll out of bed, having hit the snooze button a few (read: many) times.
9:50AM - I finish rolling out of bed and pry my eyes open. Yes, this takes a few minutes.
10:00AM - My limbs are finally cooperating and I am reasonably certain that I can make it up my treacherous spiral staircase without breaking my toe/leg/neck. Up I wearily go, and once I've reached the top (where the kitchen is) I begin making coffee.
10:15AM - I am back downstairs, coffee in hand, and my brain is actually starting to function a little. I turn on my computer and get online.

First, I check out the day's headlines on the AOL homepage. If something looks interesting, I'll read the article, otherwise I just do a quick sweep and then go straight to my e-mail. I delete the numerous pieces of junk mail, read the few pieces of personal mail, and, if I'm not too tired or pressed for time, I respond.

Next I head over to Mugglenet to see if there's any breaking Harry Potter news that I need to know about. "WHAT? JKR IS WRITING AN EIGHTH BOOK!!!" Just kidding.

Then, I head over to my blog and just sort of look at it for a while. I reread any comments I've gotten (they get sent to me by e-mail where I read them, but for some reason I always come over to the blog and read them again in person, so to speak). Sometimes I change something, but mostly I just look at it. "Yep. It's still here."

Finally, I might go over to youtube, if I have some time, or netflix to change up my queue, or DC comics to see what's coming out this week.

Around 11:00AM - If I'm working that day, I'll head upstairs to shower and get ready. If not, I'll probably skulk around the apartment in my jammies until well after noon.

Monday, Thursday, and Friday I work from 3-7 in a boutique called Otto. It's a great place with many things which I covet, but don't have enough money to own. Still, after a big shipment, the owners and I try on the new clothes and model them for each other to see how they fit and feel, so we can advise customers about size and style. It's like playing dress-up!

Saturday and Sunday I work all day, but it's not bad. The store has a very relaxed environment, and the owners (Annette and Deirdre) are very nice. Now, if only I didn't have to deal with the, I'm just kidding! I haven't had anyone really difficult yet, though I am beginning to categorize them. I've been working out a list of Shopper Types which I'll post one of these days.

On my days off (Tuesday and Wednesday) I either audition or sleep in the mornings, and hang around the apartment during the day. I read, watch things, do laundry, buy groceries, clean... Sometimes I'll treat myself to a movie, or head to the comic book shop which has become a guilty pleasure for me. There are just so many comic books! And I get a thrill out of being the only cute girl in a shop full of nerdy-looking men who all stare at me as though I must have stumbled in here by accident and why is she picking up that Batman comic? OMG! Did she just SMILE at me???!!!! Be cool, BE COOL! Okay, she's also reading Countdown, strike up a conversation about the theme of temptation and when power becomes too much power in regards to Mary Marvel, yeah, say that.


Blast! Foiled again! OK, next week, I'll form actual words.

1:00AM - I go to bed.
2:00AM - If I'm lucky, I'm asleep by now.
Sometime during the night - I dream that there's a bomb in the basement of my apartment and only I know how to diffuse it. Can you say, "too much Lois and Clark recently"?

So, that's a typical day.

Wow. And here I was just going to post a quick update...



Anonymous said...

Almost sounds like a vacation compared to those 10 hour days at AMDA!
Love you, shop girl!

Jenna said...

Hi Jules,

Glad things are going well! Read a comic book or graphic novel for me! I miss them!

-Jenna :)

A said...

God you crack me up. Keep writing.