Thursday, September 13, 2007


OK, I did warn you...the following is a fanfic I started writing. It is similar to "Naked Quidditch" in form, but not really in plot line. It is also not finished. I'm debating whether to post all of what I have, or put it up in segments. No doubt I'll continue to debate this right up until I publish this post. Anyway, here it is.

PS - If you haven't read "Naked Quidditch" I suggest that you do. It is an ingeniously hilarious story. You can read it here:

Gossip in the Watchtower
By: Jules Parker

Disclaimer: I do not own the Justice League. However, I'm going to take them out to play in this little story (from which I will earn NO money), but promise to put them back where I found them in good condition. Except for Batman. Him, I'm not giving back. Sorry.

To: Superman
From: Batman
Re: New message system

J’onn and I finally have the new system up and running. We will issue user names to every JLU member, and J’onn promised to give a few tutorials on how it works. Basically, it’s just like e-mail, but it is completely secured against hackers, and Leaguers will be able to access it from nearly anywhere in the world and some parts of the universe, as well. We will be able to send instant alerts to any member, anonymously. Obviously, this has advantages over the comm system. We’ll have a better idea of how well it works in a few weeks. I’ll keep you posted.

PS - Have you talked to Diana recently? She’s been acting strange…

To: Batman
From: Superman
Re: New message system

Bruce, this system is incredible! Not even the Daily Planet has this level of communications technology! That message you sent me appeared on my computer at work, but no one else was able to read it! How did you make it so that only my eyes can decipher the text? I got Lois to try and make it out for ages, and she kept saying she couldn’t see it!

As for Diana, I haven’t had a lot of time to talk with her, lately. It seems like the only time I see ANYONE from the League is when we’re saving the world from peril. I think we need to schedule some downtime for everyone. It’s been a difficult year, we could all use some R&R. Maybe some kind of get together for the whole League? Let me know what you think.
And again, this new system is really neat!

To: Batman
From: FastestManAlive
Re: Dude!

You have really outdone yourself! This new system is awesome! J’onn was just showing me how I can receive messages on my wristwatch! Speaking of which, thanks for the new watch! Just don’t tell me how much it cost; five-figure accessories might not faze ‘billionaire playboys’ but it would give me the willies to know how much I was casually wearing around my wrist.

Btw, did I hear you and Supes talking about a party the other day? And if so, why haven’t I been invited?!

To: FastestManAlive
From: Batman
Re: Dude!

“FastestManAlive” is NOT your user name! How did you change it? Change it back, NOW. This is not a system to be toyed with. And that watch (along with this system) is for emergencies ONLY. As I’ve already told Clark, this is not a casual chat system. Don’t send me something unless you need help.

PS - Clark and I were discussing a possible MEETING of the entire JL where we can relax and discuss any issues that have come up. IT IS NOT A PARTY!

To: Superman
From: FasterThanASpeedingSuperman
Re: Bats

Whoa. Do NOT talk to Bruce right now. He is in a VERY testy mood. He just chewed me out for using this system for something other than an emergency! Big Hypocrite! If he can use it to yell at me for changing my user name, I can use it to send flirtatious verging on freaky-stalker-type messages to Fire….er, or, I mean, messages about when I’m supposed to meet Fire for some one-on-one training. Yeah.

Anyway, like my new handle? Bats is furious that I hacked in and changed it from “Flash” but that’s boring! When people get a message from me, I want them to know exactly who they’re dealing with.

I think I’ll go run a few thousand laps…think you can keep up?

To: FasterThanASpeedingSuperman
From: Superman
Re: Challenge

Flash, please. You beat me ONCE, and that was after a long day of fighting bad guys. If you want to keep that precious title of yours, I suggest a rematch.

To: Superman
From: FasterThanASpeedingSuperman
Re: Challenge

Just name the time and place, and I’ll be there before you can even put your cape on, Big Guy.

To be continued...

That's all for today. Next time on "Gossip in the Watchtower": Rumors about the upcoming race circulate around the tower! Supergirl and Robin are up to something secretive! And Batman is not happy with the way his message system is being used!

See you next time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Funny! Even if I'm not a JL fan. Oops! I mean, soon I'll be a JL fan!