Thursday, August 16, 2007

Break out the pitchforks and put on your 'angry mob' face.

Yeah. So, I see from the poll that most people want me to move on to the Job Hunt Chronicles. Hold on, let me just check that my getaway vehicle of choice is in working order...yes, excellent. Here's the thing, folks, I don't have them on my computer right now. Well, I might have them somewhere, but I can't find them, so the point is rather moot. You see, I e-mailed them a while ago, and they are no longer in my sent mail, and I didn't save them to my computer... Go ahead, grab your torch and start singing "kill the beast"; by the time you get here, I will have made my escape.

However, I promise promise promise that I will put up Job Hunt #1 just as soon as my Mom e-mails me a copy. (Sorry Mom! And thanks for coming to my rescue...again.)

In the meantime, I suggest you head over to and watch a delightful series of videos called "Hi, I'm a Marvel...and I'm a DC." These are supposedly a parody of the Mac vs. PC commercials of which I have a vague memory. Anyway, they are hilarious. I especially recommend this one: which has Batman and Spiderman comparing notes on who's had a worse life. Then there is the After Hours Series which shows the heroes sitting in a bar talking about the success (or lack thereof) of their respective movie franchises. Genius.

Still don't believe that you should head over and watch? Here's a little taste:

(Spiderman and Batman sitting at the bar)
Spidey: Hey Bruce?
Bats: What?
S: What's in that pocket?
B: (sigh) Brass knuckles.
S: And that pocket?
B: Laser cutter.
S: And that pocket?
B: Anti-toxins.
S: And that pocket?
B: Meow mix.
S: ......
B: It's personal.
S: Huh.

Now go! Watch! Be merry! Forget the things I promised you!
What? Who said what? I didn't say anything...

Are you still here? GOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!


1 comment:

Jenna said...

HM- I don't butter cats, but I do butter toast. And I distinctly remember that you butter poptarts- weeeiiirrrd.