Sunday, August 12, 2007


Yes, yes, I hear you. "You said you would write something EVERY DAY!" And here I am, looking at my last post which says it was put up on Thursday. And it's Sunday. Well.
There's been a slight hitch, you see. I can't find the last AMDA Adventure...(Mom, a little help here? Two of the ones you forwarded back to me were the same). Here's the thing: the AA's were all on my old computer which has since died tragically in a small (or, I should say, large) coffee incident. I am a little hesitant to move on to the Job Hunt Chronicles until I have finished the other. So, let's put it to a vote. Using the poll, tell me what I should do. And if nobody votes, I'll just do whatever I want, (that is, after I have a little cry over the fact that nobody cares).


1 comment:

Jenna said...

Hm- I believe I'm the only one who voted, but I think you should do what I said!
