Saturday, June 6, 2009

More Answers

DUDE- So, now I'm going to weep in the corner. You didn't answer any of MY questions in the post. What am I chopped liver?
Gah! I'm sorry! I had completely forgotten that you wrote me questions on the other post. See what happens when I try to write a blog entry WHILE watching Star Trek AND ought to be asleep in bed? Okay, here I go, answering questions:

Has the acting class you were doing ended yet? How is/was it?

It hasn't ended yet, and it is going very well. I find that watching myself on film is akin to torture, but other than that, it's super.

Did you get my fast, rambling message about a month ago about Zach and how he works for DC comics?
Erm, yes. But I'm not entirely certain I understood it... Regardless, that is SOOO COOL for him, and I should friend him on Facebook (when did friend become a verb?) immediately so he can give me a tour.

When do you move into your new place?
I already have the keys and I've signed the lease and all that jazz, so I can really move in whenever I want. I plan to sort of trickle in throughout the month, but the big moving stuff probably won't be until reinforcements (Mom) arrive, around the 16th or 17th maybe.

And yes, I will definitely post some pictures. And you are always welcome to visit, though it may be a little cramped.

Ignoring that last question...
(to be fair, I did comment after you posted this new post whining)
Whining?! I wasn't whining! I was making a sniveling, shameless plea for validation. Not at all like whining. For one thing, the tone of voice is completely different.

Hey! Stop stealing all my best lines, you two-bit hack
Tee hee! You should know, dear sister, that I have always and will always steal my best stuff from you. AND THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO STOP ME! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Just kidding.

Actually, I was writing that thinking, "Liz will get a laugh out of this, even if no one else will."

That's all for now folks, unless the muse strikes later. And if she does, I hope she doesn't hit me too hard, sometimes she's a little too rough.



mom said...

Which Zach works for DC??

F. Radcliffe said...

Chuckle I did. And always will. It particularly amuses me that you spell your evil laugh "muahaha" while I spell mine "bwahaha."

Jenna said...

Thanks Jules! I'm glad things are going so well for you.

Zach Milan and yes apparently he offers tours, he offered one to Quinn and her husband.

I'm in Mexico, so I'll write more later!

