Saturday, August 20, 2011

Cryptic Christmas Cards *Updated*

New headline: Mom Sheds Light On Mysterious "Tom"
Also: Tom Sheds Light On Mysterious "Tom"

Apparently, he's an old friend of my parents. Huh. Who knew? Don't take it personally, Tom, I barely remember people with whom I went to high school. My mom is usually the one to remind me, because she remembers everything.

Here is how that conversation generally goes:
Mom: "Remember? That person was your best friend for all of eighth grade!"
Me: "Really?"
Mom: "Yes, really."
Me: "Huh. I guess I vaguely remember that..."

Anyway, Tom, thanks for taking the whole post in good humor. It's nice to have a reader I didn't have to threaten and/or bribe into reading.


mom said...

I wonder if there is anyone else out there enjoying your humor as much as Jenna and Tom and I do? Whatever happened to anony 1 and 2??

jenna said...

none of my questions get answered? I'm heartbroken...although, I'm not sure if I actually asked a now I will- what's with the ponies? You should feel free to answer slowly at your convenience. :p