Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Appointment

I have always hated going to the dentist. In fact, I truly doubt that there is one person in this world who actually LIKES a visit to the dentist. Who wakes up at 5am on the day of their appointment just because they're so excited they can hardly contain themselves. At the most, there are probably people who feel indifferent toward the dentist.

Regardless, I hate it.

So, I went to the dentist yesterday.

I found this place called Gentle Dental, and boy did they live up to their name. Now, it's been about 3 years since my last visit, so maybe dentists the world over have changed the way they clean teeth so that it no longer makes me clench my fists with fear (not that it ever really HURT that much, but there was always the POSSIBILITY that the hygienist would strike a nerve which would send waves of pain through my mouth. The worst part being that you never knew WHEN it would happen). That, or I just happened to strike gold with my choice of offices. I barely felt it! And it was over in about 15 minutes. The x-rays took longer than the actual cleaning. Seriously, she took about 50 x-rays. I almost asked if this would be a bonus feature on the DVD copy of my visit. "Watch your mouth from multiple camera angles!"

Anyway, that was all the good stuff. Then The Doctor came in. She looked through all my x-rays (it took a while) and said that I had nice teeth, yada yada. Then she looked at them in person, and said that it all looked good except for that one cavity there at the back.


Say again?

"It's not too bad, you probably don't even feel it, yet." I shook my head. "But, even so, you should come in soon to get it filled. You've never had one, right?" Again, I shook my head. "But you understand basically what will happen, right?" I nodded. "You'll be numb."

I raised my hand.


"Question: will I be AWAKE?"

"Oh yeah, it's just a filling."

"Question 2: if I bring a baseball bat, will you have an assistant hit me over the head with it before we begin?"

"Yes, you CAN make the appointment for sometime next week."


So, I'll let you know how it goes.

grumble 22 years without a single cavity grumble grumble and ALL OF A SUDDEN, there one is mutter just cause I waited 3 years between dentist visits BAH!


PS- Liz - Nick Fury is the head of S.H.I.E.L.D (Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division) which works with the Avengers. I recommend watching Ultimate Avengers for more info.

And YAY for you going to a comic book shop! What did you order? Did you buy anything else while you were there? Anything strike your fancy? Mmmm?

I haven't seen a preview for Wall-e yet, but I've read a little about it, and it looks great.

Jenna - I still have the e-mail you sent me waiting for a reply, I just haven't gotten around to it yet! But, I will say, good luck with BHS. That would be hilarious if you landed a job there.

1 comment:

F. Radcliffe said...

What did I buy at the comic shop, you ask? Well, actually this is pursuant to an earlier blog of yours, wherein you were lamenting the lack of diversity in comics and the few outstanding ones which were working to fix that. So, I was pulling out the "back issues" shelves at random just to see what I might find, and lo and behold, I came across the first three issues of "AraƱa: The Heart of the Spider." I was really pre-primed to enjoy it. The heroine was a fifteen year old Hispanic girl from Brooklyn who spoke Spanish to her father and had a tatoo of a spider, for crying out loud. Alas, all the good elements and intentions in the world just can't make up for crappy writing. (See also: Futurama: The Beast with a Billion Backs)