Sunday, May 8, 2016

Mickey is in the building...

Right this moment I am in my living room drinking too much wine and writing an email (OK, technically I am writing this blog now, but I was writing an email) to distract myself from the fact that I saw a MOUSE in the kitchen.  Both my roommates are out, (did I mention I have roommates?  All of you who know me already know this, so I don't know why I'm pausing to explain because only people who know me read this blog, and I'm really just slowing down the pace of my narrative) but I am expecting LaShawnda home soon, and we are planning on drinking until mice no longer exist.

I don't think this is an over-reaction.

Drinking may or may not be a reasonable solution to this problem.  Either way, the more I drink, the less I fear, so I say pass the bottle please!

Also, shut up!

You don't have a mouse in your kitchen, so what do you know?

To those of you who do have a mouse in your kitchen, I would like to apologize for my rudeness.

Also, I think "Mouse in Your Kitchen" is the name of the hit single from my band, Maximum Crispness.

That's all I got, folks.

I'm going to finish this post, wait for my roommate to get home, and then go to bed.

Please wish me mouse-less dreams.

And as long as you're doing that, please wish me a mouse-less kitchen.

Thank you.


jenna said...

Hey, I think that was the email you were writing to me....maybe :) Although maybe not. I hope the mouse, or mice, have vanished without a trace.

Also, I can't believe there are two posts within a week of each other- gasp!

Keep 'em coming!


Anonymous said...


JuliaSP said...

Yes, the email I was writing was to you, Jenna:)
You helped distract me from my fear.

jenna said...
