Saturday, May 14, 2016

A post from the undead

So I have good news and bad news.

The good news is that I have cracked books 2 and 3 of my trilogy.  I know, I know - I still have to finish book 1.  But listen, I found out some super important stuff that happens in book 3 which requires me to introduce another character in book 1.  Good thing I found out about that now, right?

To the bad news:

I was able to think through the plots of books 2 and 3 because I had very bad insomnia last night, triggered by having a house guest sleep on our couch.  Let me preface this by saying, it is not said house guest's fault.  My insomnia tends to be triggered by people coming to stay even when I know and love them.  I just start to get anxious that the other person won't be able to sleep, and my anxiety on their behalf means that I don't sleep.

No, it's not logical, do not look for any logic.

Also, I knew I would have to walk past her to get to the bathroom in case I needed to pee in the middle of the night (which I usually do) and feeling like I couldn't because it might wake her just added to the anxiety.

Again, not logical.

Any guest staying on someone's couch expects to get less-than-stellar sleep.  I know I do in that situation.  And any rational person would not begrudge me the right to pee in my own apartment.

Still, my brain would not shut up last night.

I finally fell asleep around 7 (yes, that's 7AM, people) knowing that I had to get up at 9:30am, and thinking that at least I would get a full REM cycle out of it.  Then house guests alarm went off at 8am.

Yeah, OK, that one's on her.

So now I am consuming coffee as quickly as my body will take it (I have the intravenous drip working right now, which is making it difficult to type) and preparing myself for work like a zombie.

"But, Julia," you are saying, "You managed to write this lovely and, might I say, coherent blog post just now.  How tired could you really be?"

I am giddy with tiredness right now.  I'm in that stage of having been up all night when you actually start to think "Huh.  Maybe human beings don't need sleep.  I could go on like this forever..."

Sadly, that stage doesn't tend to last very long, which is why I cranked out this blog as quickly as possible.


I honestly don't know for how long, but as long as the mood keeps striking, I will keep blogging.  It helps that I'm now scheduling in "writing time" every day so that I work on this book.  OK, blogging is not working on the book, but all writing is good writing because at least I'm forming a habit.

Must finish coffee and dry hair now.

Transformation to zombie...gettting...nearer...



jenna said...

Hope you've recovered from the insomnia. Glad to hear about the writing progress (and I of course love reading the blog, for however long it lasts!). In as non-creepy as a voice as possible- I'm one of your biggest fans :)

JuliaSP said...

Thanks! Support like yours has kept me writing! Actually, I would probably always be writing, but you make me want to share that writing, which is also important because it helps keep me motivated and on track.