Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Julia's Got Talent...Maybe

I'm not posting the next part of TSOMD tonight.  I'll probably do it tomorrow...wait, it's after midnight, so technically it already is tomorrow...well, you know what I mean.

Tonight, I'm going to post a video of me performing at a bar.  This is from a little concert my voice teacher put on in May.  It's (I think) the first time I'm actually posting a video of ME.  Unfortunately, something kind of funny happened with the camera during the first song, and it cut out for a few seconds.  But overall, I think it's OK, at least OK enough for me to share it with you.  Watching it makes me realize that I really need to learn how to play the guitar, if only so I will have something to do with my hands while I sing.  I look kind of awkward just standing there...

Anyway, here it is, enjoy:


jenna said...

WOW! Those were great! Awesome job! It was fun to see/hear you sing again!

mom said...

(and you)