Thursday, August 6, 2009

Angry Babble

I had a post in mind, but I'm too angry now to focus on it. How can I be having a perfectly nice day one moment, only to have it bombed into oblivion by a rude customer the next? And I am certain that this girl will not give it another moment's thought, while her comments will ring in my ears for at least another hour. It's not fair!

I'd tell you about it, but I won't do it justice.

OK, I'll tell you a little of it.

She was rude from the moment she walked in, but let's skip that and move right to the part where she's breezing through our sale items and then has the gall to ask "So, when are these going to be cheap? I mean, this t-shirt is still $40, I could get something cheaper at American Apparel."

I think I have talked about 3 dot t-shirts on this blog before. Specifically, about how they are made entirely in the USA with USA materials. American Apparel (despite the name) is made in China, for $2, which is why they can mark them down to $5 and still be making a profit. Once we mark things down past 50%, we are taking a loss.

I wanted to say, "Then why don't you go shop at American Apparel?" but all I could do was stutter, and say, "Uh, I'm not sure."

"OK," she said, "I'll come back when they're less," and walked out.

"OK, thank you," I called after her in my sweetest voice. I like to take the high road whenever I can.

Why? Why does she think that sort of behavior is acceptable? Why can't she just say 'thank you' and walk out? That's what I do when I go into a store that I cannot afford. A few weeks ago, I went into a new second-hand shop that had opened near Otto. Everything was vintage, and there was a whole wall of shoes. I said 'hello' and smiled at the salesgirl, then picked up a pair of cute shoes. They were $400. I put them down very carefully, took one last eye-sweep of the store, said 'thank you' and walked out. They were Manola Blahnicks or whatever (you know, that famous shoe thingy, I'm not great with brand names...) and so I knew they must have been expensive, still, I thought $400 was a little much for used shoes. But did I say that to the salesgirl? No.

We often have people ask when things will go on sale, and, while I would never ask that question, I don't mind other people asking, so long as they do so politely. And I will answer them honestly.

A few weeks ago, a girl was buying a bathing suit, and she asked, "Now, are these going to be on sale in a week?" Annette admitted that they were planning on putting them on sale the very next week, and offered to give her a discount. The girl was happy with her discount, and went on her merry way. See what being nice will get you? (It should be noted that she was a very sweet girl, who would have bought the suit anyway. But this way, everyone leaves happy.) And believe me, I love making a customer happy. Especially one who is nice to me.

On Monday, a woman who is a regular customer came in. She was distraught because her dog had just passed away, and she was trying to take her mind off it. She asked to see a bag that she had been looking at for a while. It was one of our more expensive bags, and she said she had been hesitating because of the price. I happened to be alone, but I felt confident that Annette and Deirdre would approve the next words to come out of my mouth. "You could have it for 20% off," I told her. The week previous, we had made all handbags 20% off for a special neighborhood event. This woman had missed the event, but I knew her well enough to know her first name, so I figured we could let it slide. Besides, her dog just died. She was grateful, and asked if we could hold it, and let her pay it off a little at a time. I told her we would be happy to, and that she could take as long as she wanted, still certain that A and D would agree with me.

And when Deirdre returned the next day? "Oh sure, that's not a problem. Of course she can have it for 20% off!"

"I knew that's what you would say," I replied with a smile.

Tears will also get you pretty far in my book. Rudeness, however, will get you nowhere. It won't even get you past the cover.

I understand not being able to afford certain things, which is why I believe in peppering my wardrobe with a few nice, expensive items, while the majority is made up of less expensive stuff from places like Target. It is a necessary balance for those of us who have to look professional, but don't have a lot of income.

OK, I've ranted myself into silence. I need to go eat dinner now before I faint (all that righteous anger burns calories).

Sorry, I'll try for a more upbeat post next time. Something more in the amusing-anecdote vein than the angry-babble.


F. Radcliffe said...

Oh, honey. I'm so sorry. Having dealt with many an ornery customer before, I definitely feel your pain. The best you can do is think that she must be a really miserable person and have a really miserable life--like, maybe her AIDS-stricken parents died in a fire set by the person who gave her syphilis?--and that's why she's such a BITCH!.
But I also know that such thoughts, while pleasant, are not very comforting. So just remember that you rock, there are people who love you, there will always be Buffy,you have your own apartment, and THERE! ARE! FOUR! LIGHTS!
(Which is to say, it could be worse. A bear could be eating off your face as we speak.)

F. Radcliffe said...

Also, check out to feel some camaraderie.

Jenna said...

Hey! I've been super busy lately and was worried that you'd have posted like 8 times since I last checked, but thankfully you haven't.

I did leave a rambling voicemail the other day, which I will follow up with another rambling one soon. Maybe even a few stalkerish texts to boot. Who knows?

Sorry for the rude customer- they always suck.

Jenna said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jenna said... says I deleted a post- it was the same post again...I accidentally hit "publish your comment" twice.

Kate said...

So, Radcliffe told me to read this an age ago, but I'm lazy so I just now got to it.

Amen, Sister! It costs you nothing to be polite. When people are rude to me about the prices of the upscale, French body care I'm currently hawking, I like to point out to them that I'm part-time, so there's nothing I can do about that. Also, that if you want chemical laden, cheap body care, Wal-Mart's across the road. (Although, you probably can't say that to your customers. ;) )