Friday, January 27, 2012

Less Thinking, More Slow-Motion Sword Fighting

Don't you hate it when you are watching some show which you think is just mindless entertainment, requiring no thought beyond, "Dude, cut your hair, it's driving me mad" when suddenly...whaBAM! it ends an episode on a completely ambiguous note and you are suddenly forced to THINK about it and decide for yourself what it all meant?

That totally just happened to me. And this is from a show the whole first season of which was so clearly marked in black in white, good versus evil, that they actually had the bad guy KILL A KITTEN! That's right, folks, no gray area here. And suddenly, they want me to THINK? The end of the episode was literally a conversation amongst the main characters half of whom believed the chippy they just met was the Creator, and the other half certain that she was a fraud.

No. I don't want to decide for myself. I want answers!

I kinda think she was the Creator. But if she was, she would have known...but then again she did know about that other stuff...but, come on, the real Creator would never...

I don't know.

Ugh. This show is too much stress on my heart. Every week it's "hey! we have this great plan, let's watch it all go to pieces as one or more of us almost get killed and/or horribly tortured and/or turned evil."

There was a lot more fun in the first season, back when all we had to worry about was Darken "Kitten Killer" Rahl.

Just had to get that out. Thanks. I'm done now, you may return to your lives.

1 comment:

jenna said...

YEA! Thanks for the post! What's the show?