Friday, May 14, 2010

Dude, Where's My British Drama?


Let me explain.

I found this show on Netflix. See, I like to utilize the instant watching feature on Netflix to a rather insane degree, meaning it can take me weeks to watch the actual DVDs I receive from Netflix, because I'm too busy watching the shows and movies which are available on my computer through their website.

Anyway, this particular show has often been recommended to me by whatever strange criteria comprises Netflix's recommendations, and finally, I decided to give it a chance.

It's a BBC show called Hotel Babylon about the staff which runs a five-star hotel in London, as well as the shenanigans that are got up to by the guests who are stinking rich and seem to think that means they can do and have anything they want. And for the most part, they can, with the help of the staff who not only cater to their most perverse whims but also keep their mouths shut about it, so long as you don't piss them off.

The characters are so much fun, and really well written and acted, so you feel for them and love them and want to be their friends (except for that slut Anna, but even she made me tear up a little when we finally got to see behind the facade) and want to see them succeed and not get found out because they did something bad in the past and...

You see where I'm going with this. The first season sucks you into their world and you are only too happy to stay there. So you do. You stick through the whole first season while they find their feet, and though they make a few missteps, all in all, they come out swinging with an excellent show.

Eagerly, you begin season 2. This, too, is very good, despite a few glaring flaws. But you brush them off because the characters are as delightful as ever and it's just so good to see them, and you are simply having too much fun to care.

And then season 3 begins and all hell breaks loose. Main characters suddenly start leaving left and right with no warning. Not that you can blame them since the writing is suddenly laughable. Except you're not laughing. You're crying and tearing your hair out and shouting "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY SHOW!" at the screen. Five episodes into the third season and you've finally had enough. You are not watching anymore, and you are desperately trying to erase those five episodes and pretend that you stopped watching when it was still good and the characters were happy and not idiots.

Why? Why would they do that to a perfectly good show? A show that was so good I was starting to wonder why it hadn't been stolen and recycled the way America does with every other good British show. As though Americans were incapable of watching British actors. Seriously, what is up with that? They even speak English, for crying out loud, why do we need to recast? Oops, rant-tangent, they can happen to anyone.

And while we're on the subject, can someone explain to me why British television shows only have 8 episodes per season while American shows have around 22? That's a big difference. I'm just saying.

What was I saying?

Right, you should all watch Hotel Babylon, but do yourselves a favor and pretend it ended after the 2nd season and say, "Oh, man, I wish they hadn't canceled this show after only two seasons, it's so good! Oh well, I'll just make up my own storylines for these endearing characters." Then get on your computer and write some kick-ass fanfiction for me to read.

Well, go on! Do my bidding you little minions! Fly!


PS-Erm, I'll definitely write a post pertaining to real life soon. I promise. Hey, Wimbledon is coming up, bet there'll be some juicy stories about that, eh, eeehhhh? (Nudge) (Nudge) (Wink) (Wink)

Anyway, I'm off to watch the first episode again and begin the healing process.


PPS-Though it pains me, I feel I am obliged to note that Hotel Babylon not only continued with a third season but also limped along through a FOURTH! I can't even imagine how horrible that must be, especially since I read through the episode summaries on IMDB, and it looks so terrible I have had to bleach my brain lest it become infected with those ridiculous plots. Shh, shh, shh, Julia, it's OK, that didn't happen. The second season ended and they all lived happily ever after, never mind what the nasty website said....


Mom said...

ahhhhhhh, another witty post from Julia!!!!!
I especially liked the reference to your "minions".

Jenna said...

hm- yes, I'm not a minion...but maybe I'll watch it at some point. Hope life is treating you well in the city!