Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Don't Blame Me...

This is the post you feared. I did warn you though, and then I left a very long gap for you to decide whether or not to continue reading my sporadic posts. So whatever happens next is out of my hands.

I present to you "Blame It On the Crew of the Enterprise" my first video using clips from ST:TNG.

A little background:
I wanted my first video to be a serious and dramatic look at the dynamic between Data and his evil brother Lore. To that end, I began shopping for the perfect piece of music which could showcase their turbulent and rather complicated relationship. Something that would speak to the fact that Data is, essentially, an orphan and the only android in the whole of the universe, until he discovers Lore, the prototype that came before Data and was dismantled because he was deemed a failure. Because he's EVIL. If that doesn't make for nice dramatic tension, I don't know what does.

Anyway, I couldn't find what I was looking for exactly, but decided to start work with a song that was almost right. It was going OK, I suppose, but in the meantime I was listening to this song on my iPod and kept thinking it would make a hilarious video.

"But no!" I protested, "I want my first ST vid to be SERIOUS!"

Still, the song persisted. Reluctantly, I sat down and started work.

It ended up being the most difficult video I've made yet (and took about a month) , but I think it turned out really well.

So here they are: the crew of the Enterprise.

*A note on the song,
It's by Mika who, when looking up information about him, is noted for having been influenced by everyone from Elton John to ABBA to Rufus Wainwright to musical theatre. In other words, it's weird. Just go with it.

Blame It On the Crew of the Enterprise


mom said...

FABULOUS!!!!!!! Love the song--it's so peppy! Great job on the editing!

F. Radcliffe said...

Hee-hee! That was good fun. Also, I think Parker might be descended from Spot.

Jenna said...

Ah! You're alive. :) I haven't watched the vid yet. I'm a little worried I might turn into more of a dork. But kudos for you! I'll watch it soon.