Wednesday, February 4, 2009

They Killed WHO?

I understand that there will be signings and things to buy (or, in my case, look at enviously) but I'm really going for the panels.

DC comics has a podcast which is mostly made up of recordings of their past panels. I have listened to them so often, I practically have them memorized. They just sound like so much FUN! There's lot's of joking, gentle ribbing, and the occasional slip where Dan DiDio reveals something that was supposed to be kept under wraps. Like the fact that Fringe is going to be a comic book as well as a freaky-looking television show. (I haven't watched it, anyone know what it's about?) Dan is the executive editor for DC, a real character, and a genuine New Yorker. He's sort of famous for blowing some big secrets, though, like the ending of 52.

You may be asking why, if they record these and put them up on the internet where I can listen anytime I like, I feel the need to be there in person.

For one thing, it's the energy and excitement of it all. It's the same reason that all those people stood out in the freezing cold to watch a ginormous screen during the inauguration. They didn't care if they could see Obama or not, they just wanted to be there, part of history.
This is a much more shallow and silly version of that feeling, but you get the idea.

(Can I just sidetrack for a moment to say that I still get a tingly feeling whenever I hear the name 'Obama'. Ooooooh! There it is again!)

For another thing (there's a rule that says there must be more than one thing), the panels are mostly about fans asking questions of the creators, and I have some questions.


Did I mention that they killed Bruce Wayne AKA Batman?


i have lost the will to live and capatalize
and punctuate
see what they ve done
they turned me into e e cummings

Do you know what's even worse than the fact that they killed Batman?

I missed it.

The comic where it occurred (Final Crisis #6) sold out the same day. Comics come out on Wednesdays, and I sometimes go then, but sometimes I wait. Tragically, I waited.
When I arrived on Friday that week to pick up my comics, my guy (I think his name is Tom, but don't hold me to that) informed me that I had missed it.

"It sold out?" I asked incredulously.
"Yep. Do you know what happened?"
"No. And DON'T tell me!"
"You're gonna see it somewhere. It's big."
"I don't care. I want to read it for myself." (Even as I said this, I had a sneaking suspicion that I knew exactly what had happened to make this book sell out within hours. The Batman RIP storyline had come to a close and on the last page it told me to read Final Crisis #6 for the final fate of Batman)
"You'll have to wait for the reprint." Tom (maybe) said with a shrug.
"That's ok."
"You sure you don't want to know?"
"OK, OK, I won't tell you. It was awesome, though."
I grumbled unitelligibly, then paid for the comics I was buying.

When I got home, I cautiously went online to see when I might expect the reprint. I managed to find out without being spoiled.
It was supposed to come out last week along with Final Crisis #7. But it didn't. If it had, I might have been spared.
But alas, this time when I went to find out why it hadn't shipped when it was supposed to, I saw the beginning of an article:

  • talks Batman with Mike Marts

    January 28, 2009 — Batman's Death and the BATTLE FOR THE ... Full story


    I'm sorry. I don't mean to curse at you, but DAMMIT!

    I don't think it'll take, this whole death thing. Really. I don't think it's gonna stick. I mean, come on. It's BATMAN.

    The next storyline is Battle for the Cowl, which, I gather is a story involving all former and current Robins and some other odd characters all vying to be the next Batman. Someone will probably take over for a while, maybe even a whole year, before the sales start ticking down and some executive will say, "Bring Bruce Wayne back."
    "But sir," the assistant will say, "Grant Morrison killed him off in Final-"
    "I don't care. Dig him up. Find some mystic hoodoo thingy, or have Robin wake up and find Bruce Wayne in the shower and realize it was all just a horrible dream."
    "In the shower, sir?"
    "DO IT!"

    And then he'll be back, and all will be right with the world.

    I hope.

    See you next time,


    Anonymous said...

    Oh Jules, you make me laugh. And I mean that in a good way! :o)

    Jenna said...

    rip batman