Friday, October 24, 2008


I think I remember from high school science that energy cannot be destroyed, only converted into different forms of energy. But can energy be created? I mean, you can light a match to create fire, but isn't that a case of transforming one form of energy into another? Or is it? And if we can't create or destroy energy, that must mean there is a finite amount in the universe. What if someone found a way to destroy energy? Poof. Gone. And if we couldn't replace that energy? Disaster.

Huh. I think there's a story there. Maybe. That's only if I got my science right. So, did I?

Anyway, this was what I was thinking about when I went to DD this morning to get coffee and a breakfast sandwich. I'm out of coffee mate, so I had to look to outside forces for my morning cup.

OK, let me just address this before things get out of hand: Yes, it has been a while since I posted. And even with the nudge from Jenna (thank you, btw) it still took me a while. In my defense, I did sit down one day, intent on doing some writing, but had to decide between working on my story and on blogging. I chose the story. Sorry. Sometimes I just don't have enough energy for both.

I just finished reading the most fabulous book, last night. I'll have to put up a review, because it was really extraordinary. I had picked it up at B&N the same night I got Chalice. It was a bargain priced hardcover for some ridiculous amount like $5. And I thought it looked like a mildly entertaining read, that I would probably be able to finish in a few days. I was right about the few days part. I finished it in two. And it's not a slim book. It was such a delightful story with incredibly rich characters. But I'll get to that.

For now, let me just say, "I'm back!" Hopefully, for good.



Anonymous said...

You are such a tease!

Anonymous said...

'bout time you got back to us... but still nothing on Steve? Is he gone?

We all look forward to the review (and title) of the new book...


Jenna said...

dude seriously, details! But I'm glad you're writing nonetheless! And, if I didn't let you know already I'll be in NYC (at your door) like March 21. ^^ Seriously.

AND, you are right, energy cannot be created nor destroyed- only transfered!