Monday, August 25, 2008

Cinnamon Rolls and Donuts

Well, I wrote a whole entry that I just deleted. Trust me, you didn't want to read it anyway. It was just some whiny talk about feelings ooooooh feelings.

Basically, I was feeling down, again; and now I'm over it, again.

And now I have nothing to say.


So, you know when you're depressed, you can do some stupid things? Last Saturday night, I bought a box of cinnamon rolls. I had two this morning, and I'm thinking I might cap the day off with a third. I heat them in the microwave for 25 seconds. Ohmygosh. Delicious.

I almost went to Penn Station for Krispy Kreme donuts, but being depressed also makes you lazy, so I didn't.

I have to say, I am really sick of this funk I'm in. I think I need to have a big cry. Maybe I'll re-read Deathly Hallows, that would probably do it. Or I could watch Immortal Beloved, that always makes me sob. Have you seen that move? Depressing. But in a cathartic way.

Or I could clean my room. I always think better with a clean room, and there's something soothing about the act of cleaning it.

OK, another sucky entry. Sorry guys, you deserve better.



Anonymous said...

Oh Jules, we love you and we don't want you to be in any more funks. That sounds funny--funks. Doesn't that just make you giggle a bit, or at least titter a tad?? That sounds funny, too,--titter (and tad). The english language is just hilarious!

Jenna said...

aw dude cheer up! (okay, that prob. wasn't the most helpful thing to say, but you know what I mean) I really should get your phone number so I can leave better, well hopefully, messages of encouragement, random facts, or just weird tidbits of info. Hm, tidbits is a funny word too.
ANYWAYS- hm, my random info for the day- did I tell you I want to Idina Menzel's summer tour concert?! I really can't remember if I did, but it was, of course, AMAZING!!! AHHH- soooo good it DEFIES good (I hope you appreciate the PUN). And with that random bit of randomness- no, I'm not high I promise) I bid you adieu. Miss you friend!