Thursday, August 21, 2008

Olympic Fever

The time I usually spend blogging has recently been eaten and chewed upon by the Olympics. Don't you just love them?! I do. I have no idea from where this obsession came. I don't even particularly like sports. In fact, there aren't any other sports that I'll just sit down and watch. And yet.

That music starts to play...Buuum Buuuum bu-dum-bum-bum-bum Bum-bum Bu-dum Bum-bum-bum Bu-da-dum-bum-buuum...and my heart swells. And then there are the stories. Oh my gosh the stories!

"We drove our daughter 5000 miles every morning at the crack of dawn, just so she could practice at the best gym."

I feel for these people, no matter what country they're representing. My heart broke for Diego Hypolito of Brazil when he fell on his final tumbling pass for the floor exercise. He was the best chance for Brazil to win it's first medal in gymnastics and he was crushed. From halfway around the world, I gave him a mental hug and a pat on the back.

And then there's Michael Phelps, who just kept winning one gold medal after another, and I cheered him on the whole way, often shouting at the screen, and waving my arms as though I could somehow propel him forward through sheer force of will.

There's so much drama and majesty to these games, and I eat up every second. So, naturally, I've been lax in getting other things done.

Also, my Mom came for a (short) visit and we crammed as much as we could in the few days she was here. We went shopping, saw a show, talked endlessly, and loved every second of it.

And then she left and I dipped into a bit of a funk, but distracted myself with watching the teeny tiny little girls go bouncing all around the gym in Beijing. Boing Boing BING! They're just so little! Some of them take so long to actually land because they get caught in a draft on the way down and just sort of hover for a minute. Who me? Exaggerate? Never.

Gah. And now I'm trying to slog my way through this blog, and it's not really working. Every sentence is draaaaaagged out of me...

So, I'm going to call it a night.

Hopefully I'll be better soon.


Anonymous said...

Ah, the Olympics! You watch one event and then you're sucked into the next. How about those beach volleyball girls! They deserve a gold medal just for wearing the outfits!

Jenna said...

hey- thanks for the post! Sorry to hear you're in a slump. :( Which show did you see? Was it good?

P.S. I also watched the olympics all last week- pretty cool stuff. :)