Wednesday, August 8, 2007

After a brief hiatus...

I'm back! I was in PA visiting my Mom, so I didn't get a lot of writing done, but now I'm back in NYC, and will try to keep my promise! The train ride back was, as usual, very very long. And as I stepped (finally) from the train onto the platform at Penn Station and felt a great belch of heat envelop me as if from the depths of Hades, I very nearly turned right around and got back on. But no, I continued on my dreary way, thinking longingly of the cool, shaded pool in my Grandmother's back yard, and wishing I could put my baby-soup-on (that's "bathing suit on" to those of you who don't understand baby-Julia speak) and jump in the deep end, head first.

I was further dismayed upon entering the subway, to find that someone had been sick over two of the seats and much of the floor of my chosen subway car. Ahhh, I thought to myself, New York City: Where the Heat and the Vomit are Free! But, as a wise man once said to me, repeatedly: New York's a tough place to live.

Anyway, as I said, I am back, and will continue to post regularly. I will finish off the AMDA adventures, then put up the Job Hunt Chronicles. I start my new job tomorrow, so hopefully this will also spawn a whole new set of stories!

Love to all of you! And to those who called me while I was in PA without my phone charger, I am deeply sorry and I will call you tomorrow...which probably means you will have heard from me before you even read this.


1 comment:

Jenna said...

oh good! I was worried for a moment that you had ceased postings. I almost held my breath- although, now I am fortunate I did not, because I would have died. I am also extremely impatient and want to hear about your employment, sooner rather than later. Can you e-mail me? Cheerios- Jenna
p.s. i just finished my korean language classes and am a bit funny right now.