Saturday, August 18, 2007

Adventures at AMDA part 3

That's right, people, here it is: the final installment. And I have the Job Hunt Chronicles back in my possession, so I'll be putting those up in due course. (I wouldn't want to overload you with all of them at once!) So without further adieu (it's pronounced 'ado'! And if you didn't find that funny, you didn't watch the youtube videos as instructed, and you are not allowed to read the rest of this post until you 'ado' it right now), part 3!

Voice teacher: Relax!
(Julia tries to relax)
Voice teacher: OK, now try it again with some energy.
Julia: ???

Theatre dance teacher: (placing objects such as a shoe, a water bottle, and a CD case on the floor) When you get to this mark, try not to trip over these things I've placed on the floor right where you are supposed to step. Instead, adjust your dancing minutely so that you do a box step around these objects. Then, when you come back from the other side of the room and are dancing backwards and have no idea where these things are, still step around, and not on them. Good luck.
Class: ??!

Ballet teacher: Everyone get a notebook, the heavier the better. Now, hold them above your heads and when you pirouette, straighten your arms so the book goes up, just like your body should. Do that several hundred times.
Class: !!!
Ballet teacher: No, you can't rest your arms! Do it again! And be grateful you aren't holding foot stools which is what my teacher made us use!

Acting teacher: Don't forget that 10-page character analysis you have to do.
Class: ...!

Musical theatre teacher: So, you guys have two final performances next week, but you have Labor Day off, so try not to work too hard this weekend. Take at least one day off.
Class: ...?
Julia: We're allowed to do that?

Last night:
Julia dreamed about performing her song and tap dancing, ALL NIGHT LONG!!!


1 comment:

Jenna said...

Hehe! Jules you make me laugh! I miss your humor! Hope the job is going well!