Saturday, August 1, 2009

Patchwork Red-neckery

This was supposed to be a post composed of all those little things that I think of during the day which, by themselves, don't really make up a full post, but which I have been collecting in hopes of making a sort of patchwork post. That is, of course, assuming that ANY of my posts (or sentences, for that matter) are at all coherent.

There's just one itsy-bitsy problem with that plan: I don't normally write these random witticisms down, and therefore do not remember any of them. I realized this today after having thought one of my random thoughts, which prompted me to also think, 'Hey, I should add that to my Random Post (working title)," and then forgetting it later in the day. How was the tense in that sentence? All over the place? Yeah, I thought so. Sigh. It's a Saturday, and I always feel a bit run over on Saturdays.

One might wonder why I am always so concerned about my grammar and spelling. Perhaps it is because so many of my generation are NOT AT ALL concerned about such things, and go around sounding like complete idiots or insufferable twits.

It should be noted, that this concern only spreads as far as I allow it. I have a very specific 'voice,' and I try to write the way I speak. This can result in fragmented sentences as well as very long, rambling ones (for examples, read this blog). I feel that I can get away with this in a blog because it is very much like a diary. Except public. In a way, it's like reality tv...weird. I attempt to represent myself honestly. This is also why I utilize the full range of my vocabulary. Or try to anyway. Erudite. Discombobulated. Quixotic.

My goodness. Did you know that there is a website called Urban Dictionary where people post their own made up words? I just searched recombobulate (because surely if you can dis, you ought to be able to re, and also I think I've heard my sister use it in a sentence...) and it came up on this website. There's also recurt, red-neckery, and redonkculous. And that's just the R's.

Hmm, this post is turning into a patchwork anyway. Yay! Mission accomplished!

Bored now. I'm going to go watch Star Trek. Which reminds me of the other post I wanted to - erm - post. Yes, it's about Star Trek, but only as a means of expressing my reasons for loving sci-fi in general. It's a very serious post though, and I'm not sure I'm up to it because, believe it or not (but do, because I'm not lying), it actually requires a bit of research.

Ooooooh! How wet is your whistle now?


Sometimes I just shouldn't let my fingers near a keyboard.


mom said...

I love you, Jules.

Jenna said...

nice one :)