Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Showcasing Pizza

Well, I've done it. The showcase, it's over. It was fun!

See, Julia, there was no reason to be all freaked out...

And now that I know more what to expect, the next one will be even better!

In the meantime, I am going to sit here and eat the Tuscan six cheese pizza I just ordered from Papa Johns (hey, it's late and I clearly did not plan for this because I have NO FOOD in the apartment, and I'm STARVING. I can never manage to eat a whole lot before a performance. My nerves make me lose my appetite, but then, after all the adrenaline has been pumping through my body, I get to the end of the show and I am in serious need of sustenance. I thought I was going to faint on the subway ride home, and I feel certain that the other passengers did not appreciate the noises my stomach was making.) Anyway, I'm going to sit here and eat and watch Conan and relax.

I just wanted to give you a quick post so you don't think I've lost my mojo. I am determined that June will be a good blog month. I can't promise anything for July or August but....

Oh, and Liz, I totally watched Journey to Babel and now my obsession is bordering on mania. Seriously, I think I sent you the Spock wallpaper I made. THAT TOOK ME ABOUT 2 HOURS! 2 hours of searching for Spock photos and arranging them to form a collage. And now, every time I look at my computer screen I squeal with joy.

I showed it to Rachel and I think I frightened her a little.


Spock rules.



F. Radcliffe said...

See? I KNOW! Such a good episode.

Jenna said...

Yea! Glad your showcase went well and yes, obsessed. Very very obsessed.

mom said...

Hey, I had one of those pizzas the other night!