I don't understand. What is my obsession with logical, emotionally damaged, pointy-eared crimefighters? Well, okay, Spock doesn't
exactly fight crime. But that other stuff was true.
I am convinced that it all comes back to Beauty and the Beast. My favorite fairy tale.
The Beast is highly intelligent, despite his uncommon appearance. He is also deeply flawed. His arrogance led him to become a beast in the first place. He must then find a woman who can see past his flaws to the truth of his heart underneath. He is tortured by his state of being, convinced that he cannot love or be loved, and so he hides himself from the world.
Batman, Spock, Angel (and Spike, for that matter), Darth Vader, Dan Rydell...these are all, in some way, based off the Beast character template.
And yet, do I, in any way, fit the Beauty template. Oh HALE no!
First of all, Beauty is patient. And understanding. And kind.
And while these are qualities I
do possess in every day life, they seem to mysteriously disappear on holiday when it comes to relationships.
This, by the way, has nothing to do with the previously mentioned 'boy'. I am merely ruminating on my odd predilections. Ho ho! That was an impressively pretentious sentence.
You may have guessed already, but I'm at work again. This is a bad habit. The trouble is that I am working all by my lonesome right now, and there are only so many times you can straighten piles of t-shirts before you start going a little stir-crazy. However, this also makes my thoughts a bit disjointed because I stop writing every time a customer comes in.
Bah. It looks like it's going to rain. Ah well, at least I don't have to be out in it.
I really have nothing left to tell you except that my showcase is this week and I'm NERV-ous. Why? I don't know, but for some reason I get a knot in my stomach when I think about it. It's okay. I can do this. It's going to be great.
This could also help explain my Spock obsession, right now. It gives me something less anxiety-inducing to think about.
OH MY GOSH! I haven't even talked about the Tony Awards yet!
Did everyone watch? No? Just me then. Well, and Mom, but only because I called her to make sure she was. And Rachel, WHO WAS THERE! Yes. And I do believe I heard her shriek when Audra McDonald came out to present an award. Rachel loves her.
And now that I've watched the Tony's, I 've discovered that there are many shows I would like to go see. Next to Normal is high on the list, along with Billy Elliot. And God of Carnage. And Reasons To Be Pretty. I already saw Exit the King for which Geoffrey Rush won best actor in a play. He totally deserved it, and his speech was fantastic. You can probably find it on youtube if you missed out.
Okay, I'm signing off now. But this was a nice chat. We should do it again sometime.
PS-Do you see how good I'm being? I think I've updated almost every day this month! Okay, shush, I shouldn't jinx it.