Tuesday, February 10, 2009

NYCC - A Sad Story

IF I had talked to Geoff Johns, I am confident I would have been successful. I know this because I looked darn hot all three days. Hot enough, in fact, to make the nerds come out in force to chat me up. Seriously. Everywhere I went, guys were trying to strike up a conversation. One guy took a picture with me. Another gave me his card. A third took a picture OF me. Well, to be fair, he had a press badge, but STILL!

There was Chris, Andrew, the guy on Friday who gave me his card which was actually his work card which didn't have his name on it and I can't remember if he told me his name, the guy who sat next to me when I was eating lunch and tried to start a conversation about Bruce Timm, the guy who sat diagonally from me at a different lunch and tried to catch my eye, and many more. Now, this could just be a case of there being a much higher ratio of men to women. But there WERE other women there. Why did none of THEM want to be my friend. Come on girls, where's your sense of female solidarity? I was there ALL ALONE.

Not that I actually minded these guys making conversation with me. I like talking about comic books, and I don't get to do it very often. At least not when the other person understands what I'm talking about. But with each of these guys there was that underlying feeling of pressure-to-take-the-next-step. They each got this look on their face while we spoke, this look of "is she really talking to me about comic books? What do I do? Dude, ask her out, ask her OUT!". Andrew wanted to know what panel I was going to next, as though he was planning on following me.

Here's the sad thing (are you ready? It's sad. Just warning you.): I can talk effortlessly with these guys that I'm not remotely interested in, but put Geoff Johns in front of me and I go all non-verbal.

I think I said something along the lines of "Grfblt". Good thing I was several feet away from him at the time, so I don't think he heard it. Of course, it's entirely possible that Geoff Johns is actually Superman, and therefore did hear it. (How else does he write every comic book in the world, and tv shows, and movies, and still finds time to come to conventions so fans can drool all over him? When does he sleep??!)

Gah. And here I was going to talk about something other than Geoff Johns.

Let's do that in the next post.

Also, look for more pictures, including a few with me in them!


Anonymous said...

You are so cute!

Jenna said...

ha. uhm- i think you mentioned something about that one t.v. show with that one guy from dawon's creek- I really can't remember the name of it and I thought it would come back to me. ANYWAYS- it isn't good. BUT I did watch Dollhouse and think you should too- it's online at fox.com (i think that's the right channel). It's intriguing, maybe not the best, but I love Dushku and Joss Whedon makes good shows. Hm, look at the geek you've turned me in to. I had to admit to someone the other day that I watched Buffy and Angel...*sigh*