Monday, July 7, 2008

Teeth & Terror

Happy 4th of July everyone! Hope it was wonderful. I, myself, did not see fireworks or do anything, really. I could have stepped out onto my street and looked up, if I so desired, but I didn't.

I'm working on a new video now, which is why the blogging has fallen by the wayside. My free-time is taken up with that, as well as all my creative energy. But, I figured I would try to type out a few words before getting back to it.

This entry was supposed to be about my visit to the dentist. I wanted to write a story full of horror and graphic violence where I described in detail the number of needles they stuck in my mouth, and the large carving tool they used to chip and crumble my poor tooth, sucking away all the bad cavity bits. The entire right side of my face was numb, and when they asked me to bite down for insidious reasons of their own, I bit my own tongue rather viciously without realizing.

"Why do I think you are biting your tongue?" the doctor asked. "Open." I obeyed. "Yes, you did." We tried again, this time with wads of cotton now trying to corral my unruly tongue into one corner of my mouth, away from grinding teeth.

Finally, I was released from the chair of torture, only to be hit with another blow. The bill.

That's just mean. They couldn't send me the bill so that I would see it AFTER I had recovered from the trauma? No. They just poke and prod and terrify me until I want to curl up in the fetal position and cry like a wounded puppy, and then they ask me to pay them my hard-earned money for having done all these terrible things.

And then they sent me on my way. My face still numb, and the cotton still packed in my mouth ("I don't want you to bite your tongue, okay?") feeling like an insane person, certain that half of my face was drooping and possibly drooling without my knowledge.

I made it home, crawled into bed, turned on Slings & Arrows, and pulled the covers up to my chin.

I'm better now, but my tooth feels weird. It's like I've got gum stuck in it that I can't get out. I'm getting used to it.

Well, there you have it.

Hopefully I'll be able to post this video next.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

excited to see the new video!