Monday, June 23, 2008

Dentists, Phone Conversations, and Big Green Heroes

OK, since I never got around to writing up my review of Iron Man, I am forcing myself to type this out, now, while it's still fresh. I have just seen The Incredible Hulk. I walked home at breakneck speed (composing this entry in my head the whole way), rushed inside, had a brief conversation with my roommate, Jen, whom I haven't seen in weeks, nearly killed myself on the spiral staircase to my room, and plonked myself down in front of the computer. I didn't even stop to pee, which could be dangerous. I may have to take a break partway through, but right now, I'm just going to keep typing.

I am so excited, I hardly know where to begin!

Let's start with the beginning of my day. I woke up, and before my eyes were barely open, I was already calling dentists. See, I need to get my teeth cleaned. Have for a while now. You're supposed to go every six months, and it's been quite a bit longer than that for me.

Hold on, my feet are hot, let me take off my shoes...


And let me tell you, finding a dentist is hard work. I had to make several phone calls and talk to SEVERAL people. And you all know how I hate talking on the phone. (Except to you, Mom, and thank you for your help!) I especially hate talking to strangers on the phone. Even more so when I'm asking them for help. I'm better than I used to be, though. For some reason, I was always afraid that I would sound stupid to these people I can't see and will never meet. But now I just have to remind myself that I don't care anymore. And I don't. I think my resistance is just habit. I lived so many years caring desperately how people viewed me, and sometimes I still can't shake that feeling, but for the most part I've grown past it. After all, I have no problem going to the movies by myself. In fact, sometimes I like it better. I don't feel influenced by how the people I'm with react to the movie, and I get an honest response from myself. Of course, I do more out loud squealing when I'm with friends at the movies, as opposed to all the inward squealing I do when alone. There was a part in the Hulk where I nearly burst out with a great "Huzzah!" but I contained myself.

Anyway...where was I? Oh, right: hunting dentists. It left me stressed but with a small sense of accomplishment that I was getting somewhere. At least I had a plan. (On Wednesday, I'm going to actually GO to an office, and talk to the people. I didn't have much luck explaining my insurance situation on the phone [it's complicated] so I figure I'll have better luck when I'm standing in front of them, waving the appropriate card under their collective noses. I'm always better in face-to-face situations where I can look sweet and adorably befuddled, and bat my eyes and say "Please can you help me sort this out?" Mom can do that on the phone to remarkable effect, which is how she always ends up making friends at the airline and train station who then give her free stuff and discounts. Someday I'll graduate to the phone, but I haven't completed all the requisite courses.)

Oh dear, I do have a penchant for tangents, don't I?

Anyway, with that feeling swirling through me, added to the fact that I haven't slept well for the past three nights (I'm trying NOT to take Melatonin every night) I wasn't really in the mood for work. It's not often that I think, "I REALLY don't want to go to work today" but it can happen if I'm feeling down. Still, I looked hard at my reflection in the mirror and told it to "buck up, you. I want you to get in there and SELL SELL SELL!!"

With that, I headed off to work. Once I got there, I already felt better (although considerably stickier; it was SOOO humid today). The walk to and from work does wonders for clearing my mind. As soon as I saw Annette and David, I cheered up. Annette, as I believe I mentioned, is one of the women who owns the shop, and David is a computer-savvy friend of hers, who always jumps at the chance to help with any computer-related troubles. He's a very nice guy, and I like our verbal sparring. We have a laugh, and it's all good fun. See, he's a Mac-guy and I'm a PC-girl. Next thing you know, we'll have our own sitcom.

Hold up, now I really DO need to pee, and possibly get a glass of water...that popcorn was SALTY!!


Work proceeded nicely, but toward closing time, some stuff happened that made me feel all upset and tense again. It really wasn't a big deal, certainly nothing to feel upset or tense about, but I couldn't shake the gloom that descended over me. I won't go into detail about what happened, just that it involved a customer, not Annette (who is the sweetest woman, and could never make me feel bad). So, I left in a slump. However, there was hope. I had already decided earlier in the day that I needed to take myself on a date, and that I would go to dinner and a movie. Well, the dinner part had to be cut a little short because the movie started earlier than I thought, but still.

So, I bought my ticket, scarfed down an everything bagel, toasted, with cream cheese (grunt of delight and varying yummy sounds) and told myself I could have popcorn.

I settled in the theatre with my popcorn, and prepared to be entertained. Before it started, I thought about what I would write in this blog. "I liked Iron Man better, but this one was still very good, and worth seeing again," I thought would be my response to the movie experience ahead. I was wrong. Hulk and Iron Man are neck-and-neck, toe-to-toe, and nose-to-nose. Basically, their bodies pressed right up against each other and the heat they're radiating could heat Russia. Okay, that went to a more sexual place than I meant, but you get the picture.

So far, Marvel is two for two. Let's hope when Dark Knight comes out, DC can make up some of that ground.

I have a blow-by-blow (get your minds out of the gutter this instant!) review, but this post is so long, I think I'll save it for another day... don't want to give you too much too soon!

Oh, stop with the moaning! It has just occurred to me that this would be a way to blog more often. See, when I have these bouts of creative energy, I could easily pour 4 or 5 blogs into this computer, but I usually just cram it all into one. But if I would just write the blogs, then save them for when I'm feeling less chatty, you'll still have something to read, even if I don't feel like writing. So, right now I'm going to finish writing about the Hulk, and just save the post for another day. Let's make it Wednesday the 25th at 9:00AM. Be there, read it, then go see the movie if you haven't already. Scratch that, go see it anyway. See it a few times.

See you soon!


Anonymous said...

Wow! What was in that popcorn??? Good blog!
LU, Mom

F. Radcliffe said...

Hey, I for one can't wait to hear your analysis of these two remarkable companion pieces. Right after the very last line of "The Incredible Hulk" (you know the one) I let out a gaspsquee that rocked the parking lot of the drive-in. My crush on Edward Norton had lain dormant for a few years but sprung gloriously into life again. And I think I already told you how much I liked "Iron Man," but if I didn't - I REALLY liked "Iron Man." I am looking forward to the future of comic-book movies with hope in my soul. P.S. Who is Nick Fury?