Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Yeah, I couldn't really think of what to call this post...

So, I've been thinking lately about (surprise, surprise!) comics. OK, but hear me out. I've been thinking about WRITING comics. I've actually always thought that a lot of my story ideas would lend themselves well to the graphic novel medium. I love to write, always have. And I've been writing short stories and novel-length stories that I never finish, since I first learned how to put pen to paper. But sometimes my story ideas are a little scattered. I'll have the over-arcing plot in mind (I mean, I know where I'm coming from and where I'm going) and then I have a collection of scenes that should, theoretically, get me there. You would think that would equal a book. Well, you'd be wrong. But it could, potentially, equal a comic book, where the major plot is there in the background of each individual story.

OK, so writing comics...sounds good right? Problem: I can't draw. Certainly not in any way that would resemble a comic book. My drawings lean toward the abstract and the oh-so-popular stick figure.

Then, the Idea struck. Take pictures of posed dolls. But then I would have to build sets for the dolls to be posed on, and anyway, how in the world would I find dolls that match what I have in my imagination?

So then I was thinking, there must be some sort of software that has basic forms that I can manipulate into my characters by mixing and matching hair styles and facial features. I think you can do that in the Sims game, but I wouldn't know how to pose them and then capture the image. There's some animation software that is basically like working with CGI that might be good, but it all seems to be ridiculously expensive.

As you can see, I'm in a bit of a pickle.

Ideas? Anyone?

Well, I'm at work today all by my lonesome (Annette and Deirdre are at a trade show), so I really ought to go, even though only one person has come in so far...



Jenna said...

Hi dude,

I haven't commented on your posts lately, mainly because I've been super busy, and then just realized that I should check out your blog and you managed to post two writings and I was surprised! Hm, there should have been a period in there or something. I like your comic book idea, but I don't know about any software :( P.S. Sweeny Todd FINALLY comes out next week here and I can't wait to see it- is it good?


A said...

This entry reminded me of us writing stories together and never finishing them. It looks like nothing has changed (for me, either).

You could def use the Sims, hit print screen and copy into a paint file. I could help you with it if you want...like maybe, when I'm living in your personal space.

DavidAlfredDoolittle said...

Jules, take a look at these products:


Not exactly what you are looking for, but maybe useful to try??
And don't forget that any student or teacher can get these software programs for a big discount!

JuliaSP said...

Some notes:
Jenna-Sweeney Todd is excellent, and I hope you love it!

Ashley-Yeah, I still have tons of unfinished stories...are you still writing?
And, if I had Sims that would work, but, alas, I do not.

D.A.D.- Those are sort of what I'm looking for, but I think they all require some actual art to work with. I would have to draw something, then scan it into my computer, and then I could mess with it. But I haven't found anything that has pre-made templates for characters and backgrounds. I need the computer equivalent of a paper doll, you've got the body and then you just put different hair and clothes and accessories on it. But, you know, a little more high-tech.
Thanks for looking, though, it certainly points me in the right direction!

F. Radcliffe said...

What about collage? Maybe you could assemble or find what you have in your imagination from pre-existing photographs and then scan them?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 1 here - sorry it's been a while - have you thought of taking an evening class at the college/jr college for 3D creation? It's a great class and a way to do your people more realistically.... POSER is one program that might help, but you might want to take a class for it. Good Luck!

Check out: http://www.academicsuperstore.com/market/market.html?category_id=255474 for programs.

On the other side, just seeing you write what you wrote says YOU ARE A WRITER! Whether it be comics, novels or whatever you set your mind to, this is definitely one of your callings!

But now get back to the audition and call back?? TELL US MORE!!! :)