Friday, December 21, 2007

The Simple Pleasures in Life

1. Waking up to find that you feel MUCH better after having spent the last three days being violently ill. (To be fair, I was only violently ill for the first 8 hours of the first day, but I didn't exactly feel like sunshine and roses on the following 2 days.)

2. Having that first cup of coffee since you've been sick and realizing that part of the fatigue you were feeling was actually just caffeine deprivation.

3. Pulling on a pair of pants that still have that just-out-of-the-drier-warmth in them! WOOHOO! WARM PANTS!

4. See number 3, but insert "socks" in place of "pants".

5. Practicing the Hallelujah Chorus at the top of your lungs while putting away your freshly laundered clothes. (Gotta get in shape for our annual sing along at 7am on Christmas morning!)

That's all for now, but I might post some more later when I have time.

Happy Holidays everyone!


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