Friday, November 30, 2007


Me, lazy? Never....

OK, it's been a while since I've updated, but that's only 'cause I don't have any news. I haven't heard anything about the callback, and my life continues in much the same way it has done for a while. My visit home was brief, but relaxing (I spent most of it force-feeding a steady diet of Justice League and Batman cartoons to my sister, and massive dorkdom abounded).

And as soon as I got back, I went to work, and worked every day this week because Deirdre was sick.

Still, I did manage to get myself to the comic book shop, and lo and behold, I wasn't there two minutes when another girl walked in! A range of emotions overtook me: excitement, curiosity, jealousy... Wait a minute, I thought I was the token girl of my chosen comic book store! What is this hussy doing here? Gasp! What if she has been coming here longer than I have? Or what if she is here to replace me?

However, there was no need for me to fear. As she picked up a figurine and brought it to the counter she said, "I was in here with my BOYFRIEND, and he pointed this out, so I have to get it for him. 'Cause he's my BOYFRIEND and I'm such a good GIRLFRIEND to my BOYFRIEND."

Ahh, sweet relief. She's a one-timer.

Still, it irked and (dare I say) vexed me something fierce that she couldn't just buy the toy, but had to explain it away. "What this? No no no, this isn't for's for my BOYFRIEND. I would never buy a ridiculous toy for myself, but you know boys, they love this sort of thing, so I guess I'll just have to live with it and then throw it out when we get married and it is time for the purging of all things dorky." Was she really so ashamed of being in a comic book store that she had to justify herself? Why? It was just the clerk and me, which one of us was she trying to impress? And, OK, I don't collect figurines like many comic nerds (except my Wolverine action figure...and Jafar...and Crazy Cat Lady...and my pirates...and that figure of Han Solo that was tragically lost in the hurricane, which I still cry over late at night when everything is quiet and I feel so alone...) but what is so shameful about buying a "toy" for yourself when you're an adult? Why do we all have to be so grown up all the time? Can't we be grown ups and still feed our inner child? Can't I enjoy thought-provoking novels (I really like Identical Strangers, by the way) and comic books without compromising my maturity points?

OK, I feel the subtext is rapidly becoming the text, here, so I'll stop ranting now. You get my point. I just can't help feeling that if more people would look seriously at Batman who does whatever it takes to save lives and stop the bad guys WITHOUT killing them, the world might be a better place. That is always the number one rule for superheros: No Killing. And that is a moral standard that I can really cling to in this world of ever-increasing chaos and violence. You should never descend to the level of the bad guys in order to take them out.

All right, I'm done. No more ranting, I promise.

And now, to lighten the mood, here is a video that I made! Yes, that's right, folks, I have started making videos that I put up on youtube. My computer came with software for editing home movies and I started fiddling around with it. This is the first one I really want to post here, but you can see the other two on youtube under ParkerPoyer, which is my username.


Anonymous said...

Jules, that video was super fantabulous!!!

Good entry all the way around.

love you!

JuliaSP said...

Thanks! I'm very proud of it wrong that I keep watching it and giggling? Like laughing at your own joke? 'Cause I think it's high-larious!

love you too!

A said...

Firstly, loved the video.

Secondly, I feel that "inner child" business- my grandma just bought me an American Girl Doll for my college graduation. And I was more thrilled than creeped out.

Looking forward to seeing you!

Anonymous said...

You are crazy and that is why I love you :) Coffee Soon???


Jenna said...


Thanks for the update! I still need to get on that. My kids started recording their podcasts and I spent most of the day running around like a nutcase trying to get all the kinks worked out with the technology.

I also liked the vid- very funny :) But, as dorky as you are, please promise me you will never make one of those Buffy/Angel montages (yes I'm dorky to actually know what they are).

Hope NYC isn't too cold! SoKo is about 40 degrees these days...getting colder!

Jenna said... haven't posted anything in December, which I'm sure means that life is super interesting and such! *hint hint* post something!